True Movie Quotes

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It's true I was their number one son... but they treated me like number two!

It's true what they say: Cops and women don't mix.

The world must construe according to its wits; this court must construe according to the law.

Is it true, sir, that when they found him, his stripes and insignia were still on the uniform?

This man is black. We can all see that. But, can we also see as easily, that which is equally true? That he is the only true hero in this room.

It may be an old and popular phrase, but sometimes it is just not true to say better late than never - sometimes it is better never than late!

Young one, it is true to say, that you have been trained well. Now go.

It is not often someone comes along that's a true friend and good writer.

I was just thinking that of all the trails in this life there is one that matters most. It is the trail of a true human being

If you're not willing to sound stupid you don't deserve to be in love. [ain't that true!]

It is true to say that once you met the african queen it was not something that you soon forgot!

Fear is what protects you from the things you don't believe in. [very profound Edward but not true]

Have you ever stopped to think about the saying that birds of a feather flock together? Look at the world around you and you will see how true this is...

Force does make leaders. But you forget one thing: it also destroys them. [too true Doc]

They always spoke of your beauty, and now I see it with my own eyes and it is true.

If every man had his way, every woman would lie down a prostitute and get up a virgin. [not quite true tamara]

I'm the kind of girl you usually don't notice [honestly betty, very true but modest too!]

Is it true to say that enron was really the smartest after we know what happened?

Now is it true that the evening star is the same as the morning star or does one of those statements convey something that the other does not?

There's nothing wrong with going nowhere, son. It's a privilege of youth. [too true people want to move too quickly these days]

Just because we're older doesn't mean we're old. [again that is true Nina, a two year old is older than a one year old but that does not make them old!]

Kids are cynical these days. It's hip. [well that is very true]

The chances of bagging an elephant on the Moon are remote. [well that seems quite likely to be true joseph]

I can assure you, the true charm of this world resides in this garden.

Children are always prisoners of grown-ups [another interesting sounding if not quite true line]

I decided that since I didn't know myself I would write a guide book on it like all good true authors on a subject

Victory shall come to the worthy. Today, democracy, liberty, and equality are words to fool the people [very perceptive and very true, how easily the many are manipulated by the few, to paraphrase Hume]

Wives may be a little extra trouble now and then, but they're mighty handy gadgets to have around the house [spoken like a true chauvinist]

If war produces one thing, it's many cemeteries [profound true and humbling there mama, well done]

If you flake around with the weed, you'll end up using the harder stuff. [spoken like a true politician]

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