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Hitting bottom is not a weekend-retreat, it's not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying controlling everything and just let go. Let go!

I know. I'm trying, darling.

David Mills: Wait, I thought all you did was kill innocent people. John Doe: Innocent? Is that supposed to be funny? An obese man... a disgusting man who could barely stand up; a man who if you saw him on the street, you'd point him out to your friends so that they could join you in mocking him; a man, who if you saw him while you were eating, you wouldn't be able to finish your meal. After him, I picked the lawyer and I know you both must have been secretly thanking me for that one. This is a man who dedicated his life to making money by lying with every breath that he could muster to keeping murderers and rapists on the streets! David Mills: Murderers? John Doe: A woman... David Mills: Murderers, John, like yourself? John Doe: [interrupts] A woman... so ugly on the inside she couldn't bear to go on living if she couldn't be beautiful on the outside. A drug dealer, a drug dealing pederast, actually! And let's not forget the disease-spreading whore! Only in a world this shitty could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. But that's the point. We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night. Well, not anymore. I'm setting the example. What I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed... forever.

What I'm trying to say is that I'm all wrong for you. You want a Valentino, somebody with polo ponies, a big shot!

You still think it's beautiful to die for your country. The first bombardment taught us better. When it comes to dying for country, it's better not to die at all.

I am a choreographer. That's what I do. You are cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are dancers who have gone retarded. What you do is a tiny, pathetic subset of dancing. I will attempt to turn your robotic routines into poetry, written with the human body. Follow me, or perish, sweater monkeys.

What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?

Whoa. I'm supposed to take my family to the country this weekend.

So the future of your country is in the hands my 15-year-old?

Maybe I'm spending too much of my time starting up clubs and putting on plays. I should probably be trying harder to score chicks.

All right, since you're all not going to eat, I'm going to try some of everything

Oh, man! Where do I begin? First there was the time the farmer traded me for some magic beans. I ain't never gotten over that. Then this fool went off and had a party, and they all starting trying to pin a tail on me. Then they all got drunk, and started hitting me with sticks, yelling "Piñata! Piñata!" What the hell is a piñata, anyway?

I was trying to comprehend the meaning of the words

I'm just trying to be honest about being a misanthrope.

We are, I assume, still trying to outwit each other?

I am trying to have a complete nervous breakdown, and no one will let me do it in peace!

Our country always manages to survive patriots like you

The future is not a straight line. There are many different pathways. We must try to decide that future for ourselves.

For a country or his stomach, a man may bid his life; bit never, never for a woman.

If projectile vomiting ever becomes an Olympic event, you would do your country proud

Positive thinking is fine in theory. But whenever I try it on a systematic basis... I end up really depressed.

I do not know what it is, but whatever I do and how hard I try, I just cannot bring myself to do this thing

I try to make sense of things. Which is why, I guess, I believe in destiny. There must be a reason that I am as I am. There must be.

Although Kazakhstan a glorious country, it have a problem, too: economic, social, and Jew.

I served my country - and they just want to take from it - just take, take!

Battling hates those not born in the same great country as himself.

I never know how to dress in this bloody country. It is so easy to dress in England. You just put on warm clothing.

The point I'm really trying to make is that here I can keep full control of them, outside anything might happen.

Charles, you're a foreigner; you're still an outsider. You've never understood this country.

Sometimes life is like a country and western song

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