Walk Movie Quotes

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In the months leading up to my wedding, I was thinking about you all the time. I mean, even on my way there; I'm in the car, a buddy of mine is driving me downtown and I'm staring out the window, and I think I see you, not far from the church, right? Folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on the corner of 13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, but now I think it probably was you.

I'm Walking in the Air.

It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In LA, nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much, that we crash into each other, just so we can feel something.

Surely at the gates of heaven an all-compassionate God is not going to say, "Well, you're walking in on two legs, you can go in. You're walking in four legs, we can't take you."

If I'm walking into a shit storm I wanna know which way the wind's blowing

I'm walking here! I'm walking here!

If you're gonna talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk. Otherwise you'll be lined in chalk.

We just got lapped by an old lady in a walker.

Where did it all go wrong? How did I get this life when other girls walking past have got so much more...

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more

Walking quicker when you don't know where you are going is the definition of a rather desperate journey...

Walk along the road, across the bridge, and turn right on the other side!

I once saw a woman who couldn't walk, but she could dance.

You're walking along, minding your own business. You're looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of a sudden you run smack into a pretty face

I'm going to walk to the nearest police station, and I'm going to turn myself in. [well done walter - it's the right thing old chap]

Sometimes you have to walk in the darkness, to bring the truth to light.

Have you ever been witness to a crime? Then you have a hard question to answer: get embroiled in a potentially messy criminal act, or walk away, keep the knowledge to yourself and live a peaceful life - if you can live with yourself for walking away

At least I can walk around the house in my underwear again. [ah fred the slob coming out]

If you are going to follow the leader best make sure they ain't sleepwalking off the edge of a cliff!

The pains that have burned me and scarred my soul, it was worth it, for having been allowed to walk where I've walked [yeah yeah same old story there gia]

It must be tremendously interesting to be a schoolmaster, to watch boys grow up and help them along [unanswered questions of global importance #1: is this where Mr Chips from Catchphrase with Roy Walker of keep pressing and guessing fame came from?]

Sometimes you just have to shrug your shoulders, say too good, and walk away from it all...

Have you gone simple? They're not gonna let you walk

You guys are covered here, but walk carefully beyond this point.

OK so it is not every day that you walk in on a robbery whilst wearing the outfit of an Avenger...

Remember Boardwalk, Park Place, Marvin Gardens? [these are presumably squares on the American version of monopoly]

I'm hot, I'm tired, I'm hungry and I'm thirsty and I'm walking around in these high heels all day and I have blisters on my feet [ah poor alissa]

How do you do business with a man who has no door? [just walk straight in perhaps]

Walking on the moon and visiting it is something that man has dreamed of since time began, but only in the last few decades has this dream been realised.

My shirt has so many holes in it that when I walk down the street, I hum.

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