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In zen terms we are all just molecules. There's no difference between me and the table, me and a tree, me and Madonna...

Hitting bottom is not a weekend-retreat, it's not a goddamn seminar. Stop trying controlling everything and just let go. Let go!

Look, sweetheart, I can drink you under any goddamn table you want, so don't worry about me.

Look, sweetheart, I can drink you under any goddamn table you want, so don't worry about me.

That is one of my more brilliant ideas, and between you and me, that is saying something.

"You're going down Lafleur, you're going down like a sweet muffin!"

What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off; ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?

Whoa. I'm supposed to take my family to the country this weekend.

Her blood coursed through my veins sweeter than life itself. And as it did, Lestat's words made sense to me. I knew peace only when I killed and when I heard her heart in that terrible rhythm, I knew again what peace could be.

I keep seeing these people, all recognizing each other. Something is passing between them all, some secret. It's a conspiracy, I know it.

Chas, let me finish here. I've got six weeks to set things right with you and I aim to do it. Will you give me a chance?

Flippin' sweet

Do you know the difference between brown-nosing and ass-kissing? Depth perception.

You're a stupid man, Mister Burke. You only see me standing between you and your money. You're forgetting about the thousand men standing behind me. That's a mistake.

There's a difference between not liking and not caring when some dumb Irish flatfoot throws him from a thirty story building.

The eternal struggle between good and evil, saint and sinners... but you are still not having fun!

Why don't you stop being a bitch, for let's say an hour, and I'll not knock the religion of your choice for a week.

Sometimes things happen between people that make it impossible for them to stay together.

My name is Sugar because I am very sweet!

Boris, I know that we were sweethearts in the past but things have moved on now...

Between friends, there is no such thing as a real secret. Whether that is a good thing or not, I do not know!

Anything that happens between two women must stay just like that - between two women.

Their flesh is too much like the flesh of men, and their perfume has the rotten sweetness of corruption. [orchids]

The truth is always bittersweet when we live in a world of deception and lies.

There's a difference between having morals and being a lawyer!

I know the difference between bad luck and divine inspiration.

It ain't all sweet and easy being a cowboy, ya know all!

Someone is either a smoker or a non-smoker. There's no in-between.

We never argue anymore. And when we do, it never lasts more than a week or two. [ho ho good one Marilla]

After dark, my sweet, that is when the nightmares begin but you will also experience a lot of joy too

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