Went Movie Quotes

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He couldn't get his judges appointed. He had trouble getting his legislation passed, and he lost Republican control of the Senate. His approval ratings in the polls began to sink. He was already beginning to look like a lame duck president. With everything going wrong, he did what any of us would do. He went... on vacation.

Ali has trouble meeting new people. You see, the last guy I went out with, well, he wasn't all good news.

Well you just stay on the tail of that jukebox and there's an extra twenty in it for you.

You remember the day I went out for cigarettes and didn't come back? You must have noticed!

Oh, man! Where do I begin? First there was the time the farmer traded me for some magic beans. I ain't never gotten over that. Then this fool went off and had a party, and they all starting trying to pin a tail on me. Then they all got drunk, and started hitting me with sticks, yelling "Piñata! Piñata!" What the hell is a piñata, anyway?

WHAT? You went over my helmet?

It went straight for the warhead, and they think it's cute!

What don't you understand? I found the cure for the f*cking plague of the twentieth century and now I've lost it

I went to shake his hand, his hand was gone, I looked up to speak to him, his head was gone. Then he took off his shirt, his body was gone, he took off his pants, his legs were gone! Then he spoke to me, I was gone.

Turn right to go left! Guess what? I tried it, and you know what, this crazy thing happened - I went right!

I went out with a girl once that told me to go jump in the lake... When I got back, she was gone.

A bunch of Indians stole my horses once. I went along and stole them back. And while they was chasing me, I came off my horse and got run over.

I went outside, tripped over the chaise lounge, hit my head on the cement and rolled into the pool

Robert Stroud's petition for parole has been denied annually for twenty four years

Who, in their right mind Kevin, could possibly deny the twentieth century was entirely mine? [err that'd be all of us, Johnny noy!]

My father's so cheap... that when we went to bed, he'd unplug the alarm clocks

He went into the men's room to relieve himself, and I haven't seen him since...

All the kids with any get up and go, have got up and went just like you did [the ones with grammar skills have got up and gone]

To me, the cafeteria is like being with twenty girls all at once taking a dump.

In exactly twenty seconds I'm going to start shooting through that door, so get down on your stomachs [very clear instructions there gloria!]

I've never seen so many men wasted so bad. [then you haven't visited the twenty first century then man with no name]

The director of that film promised me a pair of new boots if I went to bed with him. Think I should? [no because this is a film too irina, so easily duped honestly]

There were too many of us, we had access to too much equipment, too much money, and little by little we went insane.

He won't be back for a long, long time. He went out on one of those eternity cases [on the location of the doctor]

You remember how hard I used to work before you went away to school? I was always planning buildings and putting them up

When that guy comes back for the little doll, don't you turn her over to him until you get that twenty bucks

One day the monkey went on strike. He wanted shorter hours and longer bananas

Tell us where they went or we'll arrest you for obstructing justice and throw you in prison.

Being a writer has its perks, though the payment schedule sometimes can be kinda tough... you know, waiting twenty years for your first cheque

Well, basically, there was this little dot, right? And the dot went bang and the bang expanded [on the big bang]

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