Woman Movie Quotes

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She's (Elizabeth) safe, just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington just like she promised and you get to die for her just like you promised, so we're all men our word really, except for Elizabeth who is in fact a woman.

Yes, the man in the white shirt. Oh, you're a woman - sorry!

I'm the deadliest woman in the world

David Mills: Wait, I thought all you did was kill innocent people. John Doe: Innocent? Is that supposed to be funny? An obese man... a disgusting man who could barely stand up; a man who if you saw him on the street, you'd point him out to your friends so that they could join you in mocking him; a man, who if you saw him while you were eating, you wouldn't be able to finish your meal. After him, I picked the lawyer and I know you both must have been secretly thanking me for that one. This is a man who dedicated his life to making money by lying with every breath that he could muster to keeping murderers and rapists on the streets! David Mills: Murderers? John Doe: A woman... David Mills: Murderers, John, like yourself? John Doe: [interrupts] A woman... so ugly on the inside she couldn't bear to go on living if she couldn't be beautiful on the outside. A drug dealer, a drug dealing pederast, actually! And let's not forget the disease-spreading whore! Only in a world this shitty could you even try to say these were innocent people and keep a straight face. But that's the point. We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it. We tolerate it because it's common, it's trivial. We tolerate it morning, noon, and night. Well, not anymore. I'm setting the example. What I've done is going to be puzzled over and studied and followed... forever.

I killed him for money and for a woman. I didn't get the money... and I didn't get the woman

The key to a woman's heart is an unexpected gift at an unexpected time.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for sega

That sarcastic contemptuous tone. That means you know everything because you're a man, and I know nothing because I'm a woman.

Never send a boy to do a woman's job

You're quite a man, Mr. Bond, but I am a superior woman.

How does a woman get so bitter?

Your dad could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves.

Never trust a beautiful woman; especially one who's interested in you.

Martha, you are a dangerous woman!

For a country or his stomach, a man may bid his life; bit never, never for a woman.

Young woman, I can understand your anxiety for your father. But justice does not vary with the time of day.

I'm going to find out once and for all what it feels like to hold the woman I love, have always loved and will always love until the day I die

You just pissed off a severely hormonal pregnant woman!

I see a cranky old woman too tired to play games.

What's wrong with you woman? Why can't you just open a door like a normal person?

They say the badder the woman, the better the smell.

Not a goddamn one of you is worth a hair on that good woman's head!

I once saw a woman who couldn't walk, but she could dance.

I've lived for sixty years and that's the first time I ever saw a woman going into a saloon.

Don't tell me it's a woman - he'd never fall for a bathing suit.

If they're not gay, they've just broken up with the most wonderful woman in the world, or they've just broken up with a bitch who looks exactly like me

That sarcastic contemptuous tone that means you know everything because you're a man, and I know nothing because I'm a woman.

A woman has an orgasm, it's like a fuc*ing earthquake, right? [language please, Trent, this is a family site!]

I am sorry to bother you, but I could not tell no one else. I do not know no other woman who gives her body so frequently

When I say that all my woman are dazzling beauties, they object. The nose of this one is too large - the hips of another, they are too wide - perhaps the breasts of a third, they are too small

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